Date Thu, Mar 31, 2022

image offers you a free guide to organizing your time in Ramadan

Before the advent of the holy month of Ramadan and as part of students’ preparation for the blessed days of fasting, many questions arose among our students about how to divide and organize time in Ramadan, so that the day is sufficient to perform all tasks, without causing a disruption or excessive effort to the body.

Therefore, we, the website, provide you with programs that organize your time during Ramadan and help you manage your time properly, by distributing your energy throughout the day in a balanced manner without wasting it excessively.

Therefore, we will discuss each part of these tasks and goals that must be achieved during the day of fasting, with a mention of the maximum time to perform them, which will help you develop a plan to organize your time during Ramadan , with a mention of the most important prohibitions that must be avoided during fasting as well as after breaking the fast in each part of it.

Organizing worship time

In order to organize your worship time, you must first know the acts of worship that you can target during the month of Ramadan , which are (fasting or abstaining from food - prayer - reading the Qur’an - remembrance), and as a result you must follow some advice that will enable you to worship without fatigue, which are:

- Performing the five daily prayers at their fixed times and their importance in making you organize your worship time.

- Allocate a specific part of the Qur’an to read, preferably before the dawn call to prayer, and this should be estimated at half an hour at most, given the desirability of remembrance and supplication at that time.

- Allocate an hour of your day for remembrance, divided into two halves: one after the dawn prayer and the other before breakfast, or put it in between breaks between subjects.

- Do not waste your time performing Tarawih prayers at the expense of studying time, and be balanced in your time of worship, because studying is considered your current work, and work is part of worship.

Obstacles to organizing worship time

There are several things that are forbidden for you that will make you not organize your worship time and ruin your plans, such as: excessive non-obligatory prayers, such as performing many voluntary prayers, which affects work and study time, as well as reading the specified part of the Qur’an without excessively at the expense of study time, and not occupying the mind with remembrance during the time of memorization and understanding of study materials, so that the student can absorb the information without distraction or lack of focus in acquiring the information, in order to avoid referring to it again.

Organize study time

The time when each of us is active during Ramadan differs. Some people feel their minds are active in the morning, while others wake up at night, so they stay up late because they feel that it is more beneficial for their academic achievement.

But according to the experiments and experiences conducted by scientists and practitioners of studying during the days of Ramadan , they found that the best time to study during Ramadan, when the minds of most students are active and during which they can gain more of the scientific material, is the time two hours after breakfast.

This is due to the fact that all the blood goes to the stomach to digest the food after breakfast, and therefore the student feels tired as a result of that, as this food takes a period of no less than two hours to be fully digested, and then the blood returns to its natural cycle in the body after that.

You must organize your study time by planning it in advance, so that your time is not stolen from you without achieving the minimum benefit required to be achieved during your day. You can follow these guidelines to organize your time correctly during Ramadan:

- Develop a study time plan that organizes study time , and divides the required tasks according to time. He begins two hours after breakfast by studying one subject per day during the first week, then increases the number to two subjects per day in the second week, and three subjects per day in the third week.

- Sit during study time in the quietest and most peaceful places, to increase the student’s level of concentration and to acquire the greatest amount in the shortest time.

- Divide the study time between the subjects, so that the student starts with the subject that requires more understanding, then moves on to the easier ones.

- It is necessary to set breaks to organize study time between subjects, so that he does not feel bored or lazy.

The student should allocate an incentive reward for himself if he adheres to the specified time for studying and the required tasks.

Read also: Important tips for studying in Ramadan, don't miss them

Obstacles to organizing study time

It is forbidden for the student to start studying immediately after breakfast, due to the increased load on the mind in undertaking more than one task at the same time, and thus a malfunction in the body may occur, in addition to exerting effort in tasks other than studying, and thus feeling exhausted while studying, and relying on using one skill in studying, which makes the student feel bored, without moving between the different skills of the student, as well as the necessity of studying away from the television or mobile phone to increase concentration and stay away from distractions.

Organize sleep time

As a student, you must organize your sleeping time so that you can have a great deal of focus during your study time in Ramadan . Sleeping for a sufficient period of time helps the body to get complete rest, to become more active and energetic, and to clear the mind to receive information.

Therefore, you must organize your sleeping time by managing your time during your day correctly, as this has a positive impact on your psychological and health condition. Here are several tips that will teach you how to organize your sleeping time during Ramadan:

- The necessity of setting a daily plan by setting 7 or 8 hours of sleep per day.

- Dividing the hours of sleep between fasting and breakfast times, either equally, or by increasing one over the other.

- The necessity of sleeping early at night; to be able to wake up at dawn, and benefit from the morning activity.

- Take a nap to recharge the body with energy and restore its activity.

Obstacles to organizing sleep time

- Not sleeping at night makes the student feel tired and sleepy throughout the day.

- Drinking stimulants, such as coffee and tea, which make the student feel insomniac despite being tired and exhausted.

- Sleeping at unhealthy times, such as the morning, when we were created to work and strive.

Organize meal time

This is one of the most important steps that a student must take into account during Ramadan. Irregular eating times lead to feelings of stress and fatigue, especially in the first days of the holy month , because the body relies on burning fat and using it as a source of energy instead of the food that the stomach breaks down, which makes many of our students sleepy most of the time.

Therefore, organizing mealtime is very important in ensuring comfort for the body and mind while benefiting from the day in academic achievement. Here are some tips for you to organize your mealtime during your Iftar in the month of Ramadan :

- The necessity of following a healthy diet that includes all your body’s needs.

- Divide the breakfast meal, so that the body is prepared to receive food gradually, without drawing blood all at once to the stomach, which causes severe laziness.

- Focus on foods that help raise the student’s concentration, such as nuts and fruits.

- Focus on foods that contain the essential elements that the body needs (vitamins - amino acids).

- Drink fluids during breakfast to compensate for what was lost during fasting.

Read our article for more information about: Strengthen memory and mental focus in Ramadan

Obstacles to organizing mealtime

There are some mistakes in food and drink that make you not organize your meal time properly, and stand in front of you as obstacles that prevent you from achieving your required tasks during the school day. It is forbidden for you to do:

- Drinking stimulants, such as coffee and tea, which cause him to feel insomnia and unable to sleep despite fatigue and stress.

- Malnutrition that leads to absent-mindedness and distraction throughout the fasting period.

- Eating high-fat foods that cause lethargy for the fasting person, because digesting them requires a large amount of blood flow to the stomach.

Therefore, it is clear that you must organize your time in Ramadan between work and worship, and the importance of giving each part of your body its due, while taking care not to neglect the other parts, in addition to advice to organize eating time by balancing food and drink and choosing the appropriate ones for them, sleeping for sufficient periods, and choosing the appropriate time for studying in order to achieve the greatest benefit from your day in Ramadan , and also please your Lord in your worship.

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